We love bringing words to life
Check out this page for examples of how we bring our written word to life.
Ngā paetohu whakapā | Communications
Below you'll see a variety of communication methods we adopt to tell our clients' stories.
Te Kāhui Raraunga
Rosemary is stoked to be producing again. She's helping Te Kāhui Raraunga produce a series of educational videos that explain the Māori Data Governance Model. We can't wait to share more once the project is completed.
Aotearoa Reorua
Rosemary's enjoyed working on this programme led by Te Tari Taiwhenua between 2020 - 2024. Over that time, Rosemary helped develop the programme, supported the recruitment of centres and helped with communications behind the project including developing the website content and drafting the script, which she voiced, for the video here. She also selected the music bed for it.

Te Matatini Herenga Waka Herenga Tangata 2023
Rosemary was thrilled when Te Matatini Society Incorporated called her for help with the 2023 event. Just month's ahead of the competition, Rosemary provided advice to help broaden the organisation's approach to encourage mainstream media coverage and to highlight what happens behind the scenes to orchestrate a national Te Matatini festival. Click on the buttons below for examples of some of the stories she delivered.
Te Arawa 2050 Vision - Te Matakitenga o Te Arawa
Rosemary Rangitauira was the communications lead for the launch of the Te Arawa 2050 Vision. She provided communication support including working with a videographer to capture audio and footage to:
promote the launch of the Vision
be used in online versions of the document; and
creating and managing the website.

Te Kura Huna
This video shows how the hydrological cycle and aquifers work from a western and Mātauranga Māori perspective. Rosemary acted as a producer and developed a communication plan for the project and worked alongside animation specialist, Leon Thomas. She worked with Bay of Plenty Regional Council to understand the purpose of the resource to develop the script and select background music.
Te Āki - Science Media Centre e-pānui
Clear Communications has provided service to the country's Science Media Centre (SMC) which in October 2020 began compiling an e-newsletter called Te Āki. It was curated by Rosemary who profiled Māori researchers for the e-pānui, stories that featured on the Mātau Taiao web page of the Sciblogs website which has since been archived in Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa | The National Library of New Zealand. Te Āki strived to support kaikawe kōrero Māori (Māori journalists) and Māori researchers to work more closely together. Examples of the newsletter, Te Āki, can be found via the buttons below.

Te Arawa E!
Mihi mai ki a Paraone Pirika who shares his wawata (ambitions) are for the future of Te Arawa. His kōrero was part of a video series led by Te Tatau o Te Arawa, which led the development of a Te Arawa Vision document. Rosemary was tasked with interviewing and capturing this video. The video series helped towards the development of the Te Arawa 2050 Vision which was launched in 2020. Click on the button below and scroll to the bottom of the page to see more from the series.

The inaugural festival in Rotorua was held in 2019. Rosemary worked as the communications lead for the ahurei (festival) providing support to artists, developing communication collateral, managing festival website and working alongside local iwi station, Te Arawa FM, to provide live coverage from some of the events. Rosemary also supported media by organising interviews with artists, arranging artist profiles as well as writing media releases.
Irirangi Pāpāho | Radio
We love occasionally scripting and producing captivating radio stories for our clients via the Māori Media Network, the National Advertising Bureau specialising in Māori media, radio, and publications. Our compelling stories are broadcast via the Māori Media Network across New Zealand's iwi radio station network.
Coping in our mirumiru (bubble)
The radio stories below were produced for Te Puni Kōkiri during the 2020 national lockdown. Click on the images below which will take you to an audio file that you can play.
E Tū Whānau movement is changing lives
The following kaikōrero (speakers) from Taupō can attest to the power of lived experience. Their kōrero explains how the movement is transforming lives.
Hokinga mahara | Flashback
Our strategic communications consultant, Rosemary Rangitauira, revisits some of her past work as she talks to Radio New Zealand's Nights' host, Bryan Crump. She tells him about her time as a journalist with the state broadcaster which you can listen to by clicking on the tab below.
Click on the button below to hear Te Waonui a Te Manu Korihi presented by Rosemary which aired in 2015.
Hear Rosemary talk to a panel of kaikōrero (speakers) in 2014 about census data which relates to tangata whenua (Māori).